Is It Too Late To File Suit If I Was Sexually Abused As A Child?
In Washington State, as a general rule of thumb, you typically need to file personal injury lawsuit within two (2) years for assault, battery or false imprisonment. A lawsuit involving negligence must be filed within three (3) years of the date of the accident or injury.
For personal injury claims involving sexual abuse, however, the law is written in a much broader, more favorable manner that better accounts for the sensitive nature of these claims, and the negative stigma associated with being an abuse victim that regularly deters men and women from coming forward and making their abuse public. As a result, sexual abuse victims are regularly provided an opportunity to pursue civil claims against their abuser, as well as any individual or entity whose negligence led to the abuse, years and sometimes even decades after the sexual abuse occurred.
Calculating what is called the statute of limitations, or your deadline in which you need to file suit, can be tricky. Cochran Douglas, PLLC is here to answer questions regarding Washington’s statute of limitations for sexual abuse claims, explain your legal rights, and get your claim filed in a timely manner.
Contact us today for more information.